Behavioural Economics – The science behind successful PR


Full day session for any number of attendees. Detailed content tailored to the objectives of the individual participants.

On this course you will acquire the technical skills and mindset to become a persuasive and confident communicator, both face to face and in remote scenarios. In a highly interactive session, you will….

  • Unpick the anatomy of influence (including Aristotle’s ‘appeals to persuasion’)
  • Learn how to understand your audience so that you can resonate with them
  • Create compelling content (gold nuggets)
  • Learn how to package your ideas to be memorable and engaging (raised eyebrow moments)
  • Understand the barriers to persuasion and find ways over them
  • Appreciate the power of storytelling.


Additionally, the ability to communicate with power and presence requires a number of fundamental tools including….

  • Efficient preparation
  • Structuring content for maximum impact (especially important for remote communication)
  • Growing your own confidence – it’s a muscle not a mystical force field
  • Rehearsal techniques
  • Performance tips for face to face and remote (including body language)
  • Dealing with nerves
  • Maintaining control when put on the spot.


Follow up programme

Uniquely, Jayne offers an 18-month programme of post training follow up support. This initially involves emails containing clips, articles and links to relevant content, to consolidate and extend the work done in the training room. It’s also an opportunity for people to share their progress/experiences. Thereafter, a series of ten 10-minute podcasts are delivered at 6-weekly intervals, to refresh the fundamentals covered in the training and reinforce new habits/skills. This on-going engagement is, for many, the key to achieving fundamental change.

For more information, please contact