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Corporate Snakes and Career Ladders - Inperson


22 Feb 2024







Corporate Snakes and Career Ladders

Date: Feb 22nd

Time: 5-7 pm

Event Type: Group Event

Address: Grayling, 8th Floor, Holborn Gate, 26 Southampton Buildings, London, WC2A 1AN

Event Overview

Come and join us on Feb 22 for this special event, where you will take part in an innovative business simulation to help you advance your career. Corporate Snakes and Career Ladders is a game designed to help you and your colleagues explore high-level corporate issues and deliver meaningful long-term learning. You will participate in an immersive experience and learn how to operate at a senior level, understanding the skills you need to be an effective strategic adviser to senior leaders. You will learn new ideas to make an impact at the top of your organisation. 

If you want to sit back and hear a lecture or be subjected to the plague of PowerPoint, this is not for you. However, if you want to participate in an event that previous attendees have called:

•    “The best workshop I have ever been to at a conference”
•    “Corporate Snakes & Career Ladders game is a unique way to get you thinking on how to transition from a managerial role to a more ‘strategic advisor’ position in your organisation.”
•    “a fun and engaging exercise that brought lots of learnings, and robust discussion”

… then be sure to book your place now.

This event is aimed a mid-level professionals who want to develop their careers and make an impact at a more senior level.

Stephen Welch, a PRCA trainer, and Fellow of the RSA will lead Corporate Snakes and Ladders. Stephen is a Director of Archetypical; helping companies embed policies and programmes through the power of play. 

This event is worth 15 points in the PRCA CPD Programme.